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Funding Resources

Prevention RFA Guidelines and Materials
The IDOH Prevention Request for Applications (RFA) is open. Get more info on the RFA Guidelines, Timeline, and all application process through the Resource link.
LOI Deadline: May 10 by midnight Application Due: June 10
IDOH Ryan White Part B Program Request for Application (RFA)
The application window for this RFA is now CLOSED. However, the information linked here continues to be useful for sustainable funding and planning. The RFA application referenced and required data and information from the following tools: 
HEA 1007 HCV Funding Information
Here is a breakdown of the HEA 1007 HCV funds from the Indiana State Department of Health (IDOH) Health Issues & Challenges Division awarded to The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis.
Indiana HIV Funding Matrix
The Indiana HIV Funding Matrix is a platform developed to bring increased clarity and transparency to HIV projects and programs funded in Indiana. The goal of the funding matrix is to make it easier for community leaders to understand how grant funds are being allocated in their communities.
Funding Information for HIV Services in Indiana
Here you will find HIV Services Funding based on a 12 month allocation for each ZIP Region listed by subrecipient and service category.
Funding Search Template
A template to assist in collecting and organizing key information about potential funding sources.
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